I Don't Know
During a recent phone conversation with a good friend, she
mentioned how almost every conversation involves some brief pause followed by
the conversation trailing off with some version of “I don’t know.” Before our
conversation was over, she ended up saying it as well, after which we had a
great laugh. I think most of us have probably said it during these crazy times.
True. There is a lot we don’t know. Our daily routines have
been turned upside down and what seemed certain proved to be anything but.
Jobs, meetups with friends, CAI in-person events, crazy rush hour traffic, you
name it. Gone. However, in thinking about it a bit more, I think there is a lot
more we do know than we don’t know.
We know we are resilient as an industry. For proof, just
look at how our communities, management companies and business partners have
navigated our current world. As a prime example, I had never heard of holding a
board meeting via Zoom – maybe a conference call but never a video meeting. At
this point, we’re even talking about holding annual meetings online. What in the
world?! This is fantastic. Hopefully we will build off of this and use it as a
tool to help limit the dreaded late night meetings.
We know that many of us can be very productive from a home
office. True, it may seem that work is encroaching into our personal space but
that happens anyhow with our almost always on smartphones. I’m not ready to swear
off going into the office but I do love the idea of having more flexibility in the
We know we need each other. In our previous world, we were
all so busy that our industry events sometimes almost became a chore to endure.
Now I relish the thought of reconnecting in person and engaging in some “meaningless”
conversation. I’m realizing the meaningless often leads to meaningful.
Finally, I know I’m proud I chose this industry as my
profession. Think of all the innovative ideas that have been tried, discarded,
revised, adopted over the last two months. We are anything but stale, at least if
we’ve engaged and wrestled with our brave new world.
All told, we know a heck of a lot
more than we don’t know.
Don Plank
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