Helpful information about reopening your facilities

I know we all have heard all about how we need to be cleaning and disinfecting our community facilities before they open. The one thing that I have not heard or thought about is the water sitting inside the pipes for the last 2 months or so.

I received this useful information from NVBIA and Loudoun Water.

Loudoun Water: Loudoun Water is providing guidance related to reopening buildings after a prolonged shutdown. Building managers should be sure to flush the pipes in order to ensure optimal water quality. When buildings and businesses are closed for an extended period of time (e.g. one week or more) a thorough flushing process is needed to move out water that may have been sitting stagnant inside the building's plumbing. Stagnant water, for even as little as two days, can lead to low or undetectable levels of disinfectant, such as chlorine. This water can become unsafe to drink or otherwise use for personal or commercial purposes. Proper flushing can restore chlorine levels and ensure water quality for the premises. Building owners, building managers, and businesses should take steps to flush the building's plumbing before reopening.

Ensure that your water system is safe to use after a prolonged shutdown by conducting a flush of your commercial or residential property's internal plumbing. Flushing instructions will vary depending on the size and complexity of the structure and its plumbing. Owners of commercial and residential properties are encouraged to follow the guidance below when reoccupying a building. 

For more information, visit the resources below to learn more about building water system flushing. 
·     Environmental Science Policy & Research Institute's Building Water Quality and Coronavirus 
·     The Water Research Foundation's Flushing Guidance for Premise Plumbing 

This information is also available on their website:

Chris Goodman


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