Lucky Charms

One of my all time favorite cereals is Lucky Charms. I even still remember the addition of the purple horseshoe shape marshmallows back in the 80’s.

Most days, when I do allow myself the guilty pleasure of enjoying a heaping bowl of sugar, I try to soothe my conscience by concentrating on the “gluten free” label on the side of the box or by mixing it with some version of “healthy” cereal. A bit crazy, right? The other morning as I was indulging in my occasional bowl of Lucky Charms by mixing a delicious “bad” cereal with some kind of bran flakes, I began to question why I always feel a bit guilty eating them. Why feel badly about something that in the grand scheme of things is unlikely to have any real negative consequences. It’s not like I’m having a sugary cereal every morning.

That got me thinking that maybe my idea of simply enjoying the Lucky Charms for what they are instead of dressing them down with some kind of “healthy” side cereal might hold a lesson for life in general right now.

Almost everyone I’ve come in contact with since COVID-19 arrived on the scene has been gracious, understanding and kind. Maybe I should be willing to cut myself a little slack as well. Who cares if I don’t get up at the crack of dawn to get in a workout before real work starts. Maybe I am cooking/eating more and adding more desserts. Maybe teleworking is frustrating and I need to shut down for an hour in the middle of the day and go for a walk. And, just maybe, all of those things, and more, are okay right now.

So whatever your version of “Lucky Charms” may be, I hope you’ll join me in enjoying them to the fullest! In fact, I’m going to go have a bowl right now. They added unicorns, you know.


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